As parents age or loved ones become incapacitated, they may struggle to oversee their personal and financial affairs independently. In estate planning, guardianship and power of attorney are two tools that may come up when deciding how to assist with managing another...
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Three common reasons for guardianship litigation
Guardianship litigation can be a stressful experience for everyone involved. After all, it often involves family members and loved ones who are deeply concerned about the well-being of an individual who can no longer care for themselves. Whether it’s due to aging,...
Empowering a loved one through guardianship
When discussing guardianship, it's standard to think it involves a minor. However, guardianship does not exist to help only people under 18 years of age. In some instances, someone much older may need guardianship. What does guardianship mean for a vulnerable, elderly...
Should you get separate guardians for a person and their estate?
When establishing guardianship, not only do you have to decide who to nominate as guardian, but also whether to nominate the same person or separate individuals for your loved one’s care and their financial management. If you are unsure about the situation, here are a...
Considerations before claiming guardianship of a parent
Taking on the role of a guardian for an elderly parent is a big step. While you may be considering this decision out of love and care, you must also be prepared for the many challenges you may encounter from such a commitment. The changes guardianship brings will...
What are the limits to a guardian’s power?
In Florida, as in most states, the laws limit a guardian’s powers under a guardianship order to protect the rights and well-being of the ward. Limits to what a guardian can do A guardian's authority is limited to what is granted by the court. This grant can include a...
Recognizing signs of guardianship abuse in estates
Guardianship aims to protect those who cannot manage their own affairs and finances because of incapacity. Unfortunately, the process loses this key purpose when some guardians take advantage of their position and abuse their power. Consequently, it leaves the...
Florida guardianship: What freedoms does a ward keep?
No child wants to witness their elderly loved one struggle. When making decisions for themselves becomes a challenge, establishing guardianship becomes a consideration. Under this arrangement, an incapacitated person takes on the role of a ward, for whom the court...
How is incapacity determined in the context of estate law?
The process of declaring incapacity begins with filing a notice of petition to determine incapacity. In Florida, the court will appoint an examining committee to determine whether the person in question is actually incapacitated. The three examining committee members...
How does the court respond to guardianship issues?
Establishing a guardianship might be the only option for people with emotional, psychological and physical conditions that leave them legally incapacitated. However, becoming a ward could make them prone to mistreatment and abuse from their guardian, resulting in...